Attention all webmasters, hosting companies, and digital marketing agencies! The day has finally come when you never have to leave your WordPress (WP) client dashboards again if they so choose.

Webmasters and site owners alike can now rejoice at the fact they no longer need to have multiple browser tabs open to source Google Analytics data, request page crawls/recrawls via Google Search Console, and look to see if their WP site pages are up to “speed” in the eyes of the great and almighty Google via Google Site Speed testing.

The new Google Site Kit is here and is an all-in-one snack pack plugin for WordPress that requires ZERO hard coding to get your WordPress site associated with the Google suite of products. And they’re all available and accessible in your WordPress dashboards!

As it stands today, Google Site Kit fully integrates with the following:

  • Google Search Console
  • Google Analytics
  • Page Speed Insights (a BIG deal for Mobile SEO)
  • Google AdSense

WordPress site owners and webmasters can now access and obsess over a ridiculous amount of data points and testing features that have historically been unavailable from a single WP plugin.

If you have active digital marketing campaigns going such as organic search engine optimization as an example, the new Google Site Kit is a fantastic addition to other plugins like Yoast SEO and Rank Math which allow for SEO coding and content inclusions. What a beautiful digital marketing plugin marriage!

As we covered above, the new Google Site Kit has all of the above Google products available and accessible from within the WordPress dashboard.

If you thought you spent a lot of time in WP dashboards before, the amount of time you spend there once you’ve installed the new Site Kit plugin may have just tripled! ;)

Parting Note: 

Here at WP SitePlan, we sometimes get excited about even the small things. The new Google Site Kit WordPress plugin is a MAJOR thing and we are pumped for our WordPress maintenance clients and agency partners who run digital marketing campaigns for their clients currently operating on the WordPress CMS.

Congrats to all!

Questions about this new WordPress plugin? Contact us today!